- 8-Lesson video course with 10 hours of video included – Syllabus
- Lessons consist of a mix of videos, PDFs, Word and Powerpoint documents where founder Madeline Jhawar discusses key ideas in depth.
- Lessons include checklists, templates, exercises and worksheets.
- You’ll get access to a private Facebook group where participants can interact with and support each other.

Travel Expert Training Program
Category: Courses
Want a discount? Become a member by purchasing Lesson 3: Closing the Customer - Customer Objections, Lesson 5: How to Earn Money, Lesson 8: Lessons Learned and What to Measure, Lesson 1: Customers, Services and Pricing (SAMPLE), Lesson 2: Customer Acquisition (SAMPLE), Lesson 4: 5-Step Travel Planning Process (SAMPLE), Lesson 6: Your Little Black Book (SAMPLE) or Lesson 7: Tools for Success (SAMPLE)!